Cobram Medical Clinic is in the unique position of being able to offer a wide range of clinical services all within walking distance. Our dedicated GP’s form the backbone of an integrated health hub at NCN Health Cobram, with a Medical Clinic, Dental Clinic and Pathology on site, all supported by our dedicated and skilled practice nurses. We are accredited with the Australian Council of Health Care Standards.

Our Clinic is dedicated to providing excellent health care to the members of our community and every effort will be made to ensure your needs are met.

Contact Us

Reception Phone: (03) 5871 0800

24/7 After Hours Phone: 03 5871 0777 (Cobram Hospital)

E: [email protected]

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm

CLOSED – Weekends and Public Holidays



2 Charles Street
Cobram VIC 3644

After hours

The NCN Health Cobram Urgent Care Centre is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you attend the Urgent Care Centre you will be seen by a doctor on call or by a doctor via telehealth using the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department and with the support of a Registered Nurse.

If you are seen by a doctor on call, you will  be charged an out of pocket fee and payment must be made in full on the day.

For enquiries about this service please contact NCN Health Cobram on (03) 5871 0777.

Meet the Doctors

Dr Michael Chabbou
Dr Chabbou’s special interests are mental health, emergency, paediatrics and drug rehabilitation. Dr Chabbou was born in Syria and completed his medical training in Romania. He returned to work in Syria for 2 years before relocating to Australia. Dr Chabbou has worked in Tasmania, Frankston, Swan Hill, Kyabram and Western Hospital before settling in Cobram in 2001. Dr Chabbou speaks English, Arabic and Romanian and is a Registrar GP trainer.
Dr Pauline Tyndall
Dr Pauline Tyndall enjoys providing rural family medical care. She has further qualifications in obstetrics, women’s health with additional training in paediatrics and new born medicine(UK). She welcomes enquiries about preventative health check-ups, full body skin checks, travel health, minor surgical procedures as well as mental health assessments (including adolescents). Shared obstetric care is with GV Health, NEHealth and Wodonga. She strongly encourages pre-pregnancy family planning which may include weight management, dietary advice, nutrition and lifestyle assessment, genetic pre-pregnancy screening and pre-pregnancy immunisation. She has lived and worked in the Cobram region continuously since 1990, has a strong interest in rural communities and has raised her own family in the country. She supervises medical students.
Dr Cristina Dumitrescu
Dr Dumitrescu’s special interests are emergency medicine and mental health, dermatology, skin checks and minor surgery procedures. Dr Cristina Dumitrescu completed her medical training in South Africa and GP training in the UK. In the mid 90’s, Dr Dumitrescu moved to Australia and worked in Cobram for 2 years before returning to the UK. Dr Dumitrescu returned to the Cobram Medical Clinic in 2005. Dr Dumitrescu speaks English, Romanian and German and is a GP Registrar supervisor.
Dr Taufiq Abu
Dr Abu enjoys all field of general practice: Adult and Geriatric medicine, Paediatric, shared care Obstetric, Emergency as well as skin cancer and minor surgical procedures. Born in Malaysia, Dr Abu graduated from Monash University in 2010 then worked at Goulburn Valley Health in Shepparton for few years before relocating to Cobram in 2014 and completed his FRACGP fellowship via the Bogong Regional Training Network.

Our Practice Team

Practice Manager – Mel Murfitt

Practice Nurses – Lisa Cassidy, Heather Clifford, Sharni Hazelman, Kylea Price, Sarah Brooks, Kylee Lee, Rebekah Jones

Medical Students – Oscar McGraw, Brooke Cairns

Medical Receptionists – Margaret, Leanne, Jennifer, Cathie, Katrina, Nicole, Sharyn and Rosie

UCC Medical Receptionists – Trudy and Viola

Visiting Specialists

Orthopaedic Surgeon

Mr Viral Shah – visits monthly


Dr Judith Krones – visits monthly

General Surgeon

Mr Muhammad Abdullah – visits monthly


Dr Arup Bhattacharya – visits monthly


Dr Siddhartha Dutta – visits weekly

Audiologists – visit monthly

Australian Hearing from Shepparton & Amplified Hearing from Albury


Dr Jennifer Coller - visits monthly

Practice Nurses:

General practice nurses are qualified registered or enrolled nurses who deliver primary health care in a general practice setting. They are specialists in:

  • triage and patient assessment
  • clinical patient care, e.g. wound care
  • diagnostic services e.g. Blood Pressure readings
  • health screening
  • immunisations
  • health check reminders, e.g. pap smear reminders
  • patient education
  • outreach services, e.g. visiting elderly patients unable to visit practice
  • acute and chronic disease management, e.g. diabetes and asthma management

Contact our practice today to see how a Practice Nurse might help you.

  • Fees and billing

    Cobram Medical Clinic is a Private Medical clinic and does routinely bulk bill.  Payment at time of consultation is required.


    At Cobram Medical Clinic we pride ourselves on providing the highest possible standard of health care to our community; however, the ongoing rising costs associated with providing our services means fee changes are necessary. For the first time in over four years CMC will be increasing their fees.


    From 1st July 2023 the fee for a Standard consultation will be $90.00

    What will the fees be?

    Your fee will depend on the type and length of consultation. Additional fees will be payable for procedures such as skin cancer removal, suturing, dressings, some vaccinations or infusions. Medicare offsets some of the cost for most visits, but it does not cover every type of appointment and there are gap fees for most services, including telephone or video appointments.

    What does your gap payment go towards?

    The fees charged by this practice assist in delivering your health care needs, some of the additional rising costs that current Medicare rebates don’t cover including:

    • Highly trained clinical team of doctors and nurses
    • Experienced Reception & management teams
    • Ongoing professional development/training for all clinical & administration/reception staff
    • Medical/office equipment and consumables
    • IT systems, databases, and equipment, Insurances
    • RACGP Accreditation

    How can I pay my fees?

    Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, credit card or EFTPOS. Accounts will not be given without prior agreement.

    Medicare claims

    This practice is equipped with TYRO and Medicare Online. These facilities allow the practice to directly lodge your receipt for Medicare refunds, saving you time. Please ask reception for any information regarding these rebate options, as well as private fees.

    Failure to attend

    Patients unable to attend appointments are requested to contact reception a minimum of 1 hour prior to their appointment to cancel or reschedule. Should sufficient notice not be provided a failure to attend fee may be charged up to $50, which must be paid before any further consultations are booked.

    Telephone consultations*

    To be able to book a phone consultation patient must have an existing relationship with the GP or general practice and must have visited the practice at least once in the preceding 12 months.

    Patients who hold a valid pension or health care card may be eligible for a discount fee.

    Veteran’s Affairs (Gold and eligible White) card holders will continue to be bulk billed.

  • Clinic Information


    Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and GP. We operate an appointment system. Emergencies will always be given priority.

    A standard 15-minute appointment is usually adequate to deal with most (1-2) issues.

    If you are making and appointment for an insurance or employment medical, procedure or complex/multiple medical problems, please book a longer appointment if you are unsure please discuss with Reception staff.

    We request that you make a separate appointment for each family member.

    For regular patients of the clinic we offer both in person and telehealth (phone or video) consultations for standard appointments.

    Our video appointments are provided through Health Direct.  If you have a video appointment booked please go to and select Cobram Medical Clinic waiting room.

    If you are experiencing chest pain or severe shortness of breath or you think you may be having a stroke, you should call 000 for an Ambulance and be seen in hospital Urgent Care.

    We know it can sometimes be difficult to remember appointments. Our patients are reminded to attend appointments by SMS and telephone.


    Interpreter Services

    If you or your family member require interpreter services, we are able to organise this for you. Please notify reception staff upon booking appointment.

    The doctors use TIS (Translating & Interpreting Service) on 131 450.


    Reminders and recalls

    Patients may receive reminder notices for overdue (or due) health services appropriate to your care.  As no results can be provided via phone, patients may also receive requests for revisits to communicate these results. In this case you will need to make an appointment with your Doctor.



    It is important that when you see your GP you discuss options for receiving your results.

    If you are having any form of testing, we recommend making a follow up appointment to discuss the results with your doctor after the test is performed.

    If your results are abnormal or require further follow up you will be contacted by one of our nursing staff.

     Urgent Results – if you have urgent results requiring follow up you will be contacted.  Our results are monitored to ensure these results are followed up daily.

     Non-urgent results – these are results your GP is happy to follow up in the next 2-4weeks.  You will receive an SMS or call asking you to make an appointment in 2-4 weeks.

    If you are still unwell please make a review appointment with your doctor.


    New Patient Registration

    Cobram Medical Clinic is accepting new patients.  To provide the best quality of care we require information about yourself, we request this through completion of a patient registration form.  Our registration form complies with RACGP Standards for general practice (5th edition).

    Accurate details help us identify you and your medical records and allows us to contact your promptly when required.

    We keep your personal health information private and secure, as required by federal and state privacy laws.

    If you have concerns about areas on the registration form, please leave blank and discuss with your GP.

    Please bring along completed form to your first appointment. The form can be downloaded here


    Home Visits

    Home visits will be arranged for patients whose condition prevents them from attending our Clinic.  Home visits are billed at private rates – the Doctors and staff can advise you of these prior to any call out.


    Scripts, Referrals and Forms

    Please make an appointment with your GP for these (you may be eligible for a phone appointment for scripts and referrals please speak with Reception staff). They will not be provided by phone request or via family members. Medicare requires that the Doctor sees you to address the problem for which you are being referred. Referrals are ideally obtained from your usual GP as correspondence from the specialist is returned to the referring Doctor. Forms should be completed during your appointment and may not be left for the Doctor.


    Parking and access

    Dedicated car parking facilities are available within a reasonable distance from the practice for our team members, visitors and patients. We have disabled parking available within close proximity to the entrance of the clinic.

    A drop off point is located near the front entrance.

    Wheelchair access is provided via the main entrance.


    Telephone Access

    GPs in the clinic may be contacted during normal opening hours.

    Any patient requesting phone contact with their doctor will be asked to leave the doctor a message to return your call at the earliest convenience. Our practice Nurses are available to speak to from 8:00am to 5:00pm.

    The urgency of the matter will be determined by the Doctor.



    We do not promote communication with individual patients by email as we cannot ensure your privacy. If a patient chooses to contact the clinic via email this is at their own risk and this communication will be considered as patient consent to reply via email.

    Communication with Medical Specialists regarding patients is via Liquid Files.


    SMS Communication

    We utilise SMS communication (with patient consent) for the following;

    • Recalls and reminders (ie. Immunisations, cervical screening, care plans)
    • Appointments

     Patients can opt in and out of this service at any time by notifying reception staff.


    Interns & Medical Students

    We are a proud teaching practice with medical students from University of Melbourne.

    You may be asked from time to time to see an Intern or a Medical student when visiting your doctor. If you would prefer not to see them, please speak to reception staff.


    Patient Feedback – (Compliments and Complaints)

    We aim to provide a quality and caring service in a comfortable, harmonious atmosphere. We appreciate feedback good, bad or otherwise.

    From time to time this practice invites patients to complete confidential surveys on their views of the practice and who it could be improved. We believe that problems are best dealt with through the practice.

    There are multiple ways to provide feedback;

    • Speaking directly with staff (preferred if appropriate)
    • Experience kiosk at entrance of building
    • In writing by via our consumer feedback form
    • In person to the Chief Executive Officer or Practice Manager
    • By email to [email protected]
    • In writing to the Chief Executive Officer or Practice Manager, PO Box 252, Cobram Vic. 3644
    • Online at the ‘Contact Us’ tab under Feedback


    In the event we are not able to resolve a concern to your satisfaction, you can contact:

     Health Services Commissioner

    Level 26, 570 Bourke St,

    Melbourne Victoria 3000

    T: 1300 582 113


    Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission

    GPO Box 9819,

    Melbourne Victoria 3000

    T: 1800 951 822


  • Patient Privacy

    NCN Health Cobram ensures personal information is secure in line with legislation and organisational policies and procedures regarding access, handling, storage and disposal.
    Patient information, including electronic documentation is collected and stored securely and only accessed by authorised personnel.  Cobram District Health can only disclose patient information if;

    by law requiring disclosure eg. notification of infectious diseases
    subpoenaed for information for court hearings
    under other legislation such as Mental Health Act 1986 (Vic), Children and Young Persons Act 1989 (Vic)
    you (or your next of kin) apply for information utilising the process.

    Some patient information may be made available to other health care professionals to ensure patients receive quality care and treatment.  NCN Health Cobram complies with all Victorian legislation relating to Confidentiality and Privacy, including the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic), the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic), the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) and the Information Privacy Act (2000).

    Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of the clinic to maintain security of personal health information at all times We abide by all ten of the National Privacy Principles available here.

    If you wish to access your health record at any time please discuss with clinic staff.

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