Access beyond this point is restricted to NCN Health staff and medical professionals. Your IP and other details will be logged if you proceed. Use of this service is subject to the policies and procedures of the Victorian Public Service, the Hume Rural Health Alliance and NCN Health.
Microsoft Outlook webmail
Allocate Software

Outlook Web App

Access the Microsoft Outlook web app through Internet Explorer or Google Chrome web browsers (not Microsoft Edge).

To log in to your email, use your ncnhealth email address (on the HRHA domain).

If you are experiencing issues with your username and password please contact : [email protected]

Roster On

Please use Internet Explorer when trying to access your roster on ‘Roster On‘ (Allocate Software)

​You can also access RosterOn on your mobile phone.

For ‘Roster On’ queries please contact :
[email protected].

Kineo Staff Learning Portal
Prompt Document Management System

Kineo Learning Portal

Use the Internet Explorer browser to access the NCN Health Kineo Staff Learning Portal.

For all education queries, please contact :

[email protected]

For all password resets, please contact :

[email protected]


All staff can access Prompt via the onsite intranet page – under Bookmarks and Links.

This link is for Management only (requires login details).






Staff Login
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