more4moira is a local movement that has brought community groups and champions together to promote healthy eating and active living in children.

These groups are committed to healthier workplaces, schools, early learning centres, service clubs, sporting clubs and facilities, parks, cafes and food outlets and family homes. more4moira hosts community events that strive to create healthy change – making the healthy choice the easier choice.


Our Vision

Engaging the community to create a vibrant, healthy lifestyle through awareness and action.

Key messages:

Through community forums and extensive stakeholder input, we have developed 4 key messages to progress our community driven approach to healthy children in Numurkah and surrounds.

The four key messages are:

  • Encourage activity
  • Offer vegetables
  • Provide tap water
  • Support breastfeeding

The key messages are not about telling people what to do, they are about encouraging environments that promote and support healthy choices.

Where is it available?

The more4moira approach is based in Numurkah.

How can I get involved?

We’d love to hear about any other initiatives you know of that are helping promote the four key messages above, and are happy to support ideas and suggestions.

For information regarding more4moira and how you can get involved, please contact our Community Health and Wellbeing team at the Numurkah campus for further information.

Numurkah: (03) 5862 0560

E: [email protected]

More4Moira graphic which says: Encourage activity, provide tapwater, offer vegetables, support breastfeeding.

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